Camden White Gum project to assist environment

Posted 4 years ago


Camden South is set to be cooler in the coming years, with Council working with the CSIRO Australian Tree Seed Centre on the Connecting White Gum project.

The innovative project, funded under the Greening our City Program, will see 500 genetically diverse Camden White Gum trees planted along the Nepean River at Elizabeth Macarthur Reserve in Camden South.

Mayor of Camden, Cr Theresa Fedeli, said the project would have great benefits for the community in future years.

“Sydney has sweltered through heat waves over many years and this is a great opportunity for us to help cool the suburb of Camden South, reduce the urban heat island effect and strengthen the resilience of the Nationally Threatened Camden White Gum,” Cr Fedeli said.

“The project site is shown to be about three to six degrees warmer than vegetated areas and we will be able to increase the tree canopy by 38 per cent at the site after the 18-month completion.

“This will have a great impact for residents and importantly the environment, with the Nationally Threatened species, Camden White Gum, at a risk of becoming extinct without intervention.

“I’d like to thank the NSW Department of Planning, Industry and the Environment and CSIRO for their assistance in bringing this project to life.

Residents will have a chance to take part in the program with a tree planting day being held on Sunday 26 September.

For more information on the Connecting Camden White Gum project and to register your interest in the tree planting event, go to or email the Sustainability Team





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