Catch a fish? Let us know about it!

Posted 15 months ago

Hook Line and Measure image

Camden Council is rolling out a new project which will help local fishers identify the best places to snag a bite.

As part of Council’s Hook, Line & Measure citizen science project, local fishers are being encouraged to identify and record the species, size and distribution of fish caught in the Nepean River and other local waterways.

Fishers who take part will fill out an online form to record their catch and report it to Council.

The data will be presented on the Camden Open Data Portal via an interactive map and data table. The information will provide Council with a baseline dataset, which could help the community identify areas which may be more productive for recreational fishing activities an inform future Council sustainability projects.

Mayor of Camden, Cr Ashleigh Cagney, encouraged fishers to take part.

“Citizen science is always a great way to get involved with data collection in a way that will see real world benefits,” she said.

“If you catch a fish in the Camden area, let us know about it. The data that gets collected and then shared will be very useful for the community, and help us deliver projects to better our waterways.”

To find out more, and record your catch, visit

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