Get creative with Threatened Species Art Competition

Posted 5 years ago

Threatened Species Art Comp

Local children can show their passion for conserving and protecting rare and endangered species by taking part in the annual Threatened Species Art and Writing Competition this month.

The competition, to be run in partnership with Campbelltown City and Wollondilly Shire Councils, aims to encourage young people within the Macarthur area to learn about a threatened plant or animal and represent it in an artwork or creative writing piece.

The competition is open from Monday 20 July until Friday 21 August, for children aged between five and 12 years.

Mayor of Camden, Cr Theresa Fedeli said the exciting initiative allows young residents to learn about the unique environment of the Macarthur area.

“It is very exciting that we can encourage our young citizens to get creative as it demonstrates different perspectives of both the issues present and ways of dealing with them,” Cr Fedeli said.

“Due to the restrictions that we must abide by, the Threatened Species Art and Writing Competition will be an online competition this year.

“There are some great prizes to be won, with individual prizes worth between $80 and $120 and a prize pack rewarded to the Primary School that has the most students enter, valued at $250.”

To abide by COVID-19 restrictions there will not be an award ceremony, with a video to be developed to announce the winners via the three Councils’ social media platforms.

The categories of entry are as follows:

  •  Artwork: open to age groups of five to six, seven to nine and 10 to 12 years;
  • Creative writing: open to students aged eight to 12 years; and
  • Waste to Art: open to students of all ages.

For more information, visit and search ‘Threatened Species Art and Writing Competition’, or call Council’s Natural Resource Project Officer on 4654 7777.


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