Guiding documents endorsed for public exhibition at Council meeting

Posted 22 months ago

Camden Council has endorsed draft plans outlining projects and actions to be undertaken by Council over the next year to be placed on public exhibition at last week’s Ordinary Meeting.

Council's draft Operational Plan and budget 2023-2024 outlines the actions and projects Council will undertake to achieve the strategies in our revised Delivery Program 2022-2026 and objectives defined in the Community Strategic Plan (CSP).

In 2023-24, Council will deliver $215.5 million in capital works, including:

  • $94.5 million on roads and transport infrastructure;
  • $14.3 million on drainage infrastructure;
  • $55.8 million on parks and playgrounds; and
  • $50.8 million on community and recreational facilities.

Mayor of Camden, Cr Therese Fedeli, said there were many highlights as part of the draft Operational Plan and budget 2023-2024.

“As we all know, Camden is growing at an extraordinary rate. We’re one of the fastest growing areas in the country, welcoming more than 100 new residents every week,” Cr Fedeli said.

“It’s so important we cater for the needs of our residents as well as plan and prepare for the residents who will call Camden home in the future. We want our area to be the best it can possibly be for our community.

“While all our plans and projects are exciting because they mean better infrastructure and facilities for our residents and the region, it will be particularly incredible to see the 11 projects funded as part of the WestInvest Program, totalling $132 million, be delivered over the next three financial years.

“I look forward to working with our community and encouraging them to be a part of this journey as we move towards an exciting future for our beautiful and thriving Camden.”

Other highlights of the draft Operational Plan and budget 2023-2024 include:

  • The upgrades scheduled for Camden Valley Way and Hilder Street, where Council will reconstruct the existing intersection as a two-lane roundabout with modifications. This project received $6.4 million in funding as part of the fourth round of the Federal Government’s Western Sydney Infrastructure Plan – Local Roads Package and will be delivered over the next three financial years;
  • Major repair work to the Camden area’s road network, following the flood and storm events of 2022. Council secured $8.2 million in funding through the NSW Government’s Regional and Local Roads Repair Program (RLRRP) for these works, with $4 million allocated in this financial year; and
  • The continuation of the third stage of the Community Support Package, which focuses on recovery and generating investment into our community following COVID-19. The total support package, valued at $130.6 million over four years, includes a $16.5 million Sportsground Improvement Program to be delivered over the next three years.

The documents will be on public exhibition from Wednesday 19 April until Tuesday 16 May at:

Submissions and/or comments received will be reported back to Council as part of the adoption of the Operational Plan and budget 2023-2024.

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