HSC help for students on offer

Posted 23 months ago in Community

A 7D9748

Local students studying for their Higher School Certificate can stress a little less with Camden Libraries offering a range of support videos.

Camden Libraries has partnered with teachers across NSW to deliver 11 online videos on varying HSC subjects to assist students.

Mayor of Camden, Cr Therese Fedeli, said it was important for Council to support HSC students while they study for their end of school exams.

“Local young people are the future of the Camden area, and it's vital Council gives them the appropriate support as they navigate through a stressful time in their lives,” Cr Fedeli said.

“The online videos are featured on the Camden Libraries website and cover subjects including English, Mathematics, Business Studies, Legal Studies, Economics and Physics.

“Camden Libraries also offer assistance to help students maximise their HSC marks with a variety of resources available.

“Study rooms at Oran Park and Narellan Libraries are also available to book and students can also ask for assistance from a range of library staff members as they prepare for their HSC exams.”

For more information and to view the videos and resources, go to www.library.camden.nsw.gov.au/youth/hsc

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