Important local projects receive funding

Posted 16 months ago

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The Camden community is the greatest winner of all, with more than $150,000 of money and in-kind support to be provided to community groups.

The funding, which is part of Camden Council’s latest round of Community Grants, will see 24 community groups share in $92,148 as part of the Community Small Grants. Associations, charities and not-for-profits applied for funding in these grants under four categories:

  • Health and Wellbeing;
  • Culture and Inclusion;
  • Minor Works; and
  • Sport and Recreation.

It will also see 13 applicants share in $70,500 as part of the Community Sponsorship Grants, which sought to help fund:

  • Not-for-profit groups, organisations or individuals seeking to organise an event/activity/service within the Camden LGA that has benefit to the wider community;
  • Festivals, special events and activities that will enhance and promote community wellbeing, the lifestyle of residents and provide a service to the resident or business community of the Camden LGA; and
  • Organisations that encourage economic and/or tourism opportunities within the Camden LGA.

Mayor of Camden, Cr Ashleigh Cagney, congratulated those who were successful in obtaining grants in this latest round.

“Thank you for all of the things you do for our community through these worthy causes,” she said.

“I hope this will help you deliver these incredibly important programs and initiatives.”

For more information, visit Council’s website.

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