It’s blooming time for next Alan Baker Exhibition

Posted 21 months ago in Community, Whats On

B Bouquets Post

Flowers are blooming across Camden, making now the perfect time for the latest exhibition at Alan Baker Art Gallery – Baker’s Bouquets.

The new exhibition, which will run from Thursday 13 October until May next year, will present a selection of artworks from the Alan Baker Collection, focusing on the artist’s floral still life studies.

The works will be displayed within the four Gallery rooms, with each room presenting one of the four seasons of the year.

Mayor of Camden, Cr Therese Fedeli, said the exhibition was yet another chance to celebrate Alan Baker’s amazing work.

“We are lucky enough to be able to pay homage to the amazing works of Alan Baker and this exhibition is yet another chance to marvel in his expertise,” Cr Fedeli said.

“Heritage surrounds us in many areas of Camden, and it is also very special to have the exhibition coinciding with Unlock Camden celebrations this week.

“This creates the perfect chance for locals to get out and about in the Camden area and truly appreciate the history we have at our doorstep.”

Baker’s Bouquets includes existing long-term loans from Gary Baker, loans from private collections, archival photographs, and newspaper articles.

For more information, go to


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