Learn new tricks at any age

Posted 4 years ago in Whats On

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With educational initiatives for adult and seniors supported by Camden Libraries, local students aren’t the only ones invited to learn from home!

Local seniors are encouraged to take advantage of the Tech Savvy Seniors program. The NSW Government initiative, in partnership with Telstra, is currently available via YouTube and it showcases videos introducing seniors to smartphones, zoom video calls and much more in a variety of languages.

All residents are encouraged to enjoy a number of online ideas on offer to help make the lockdown easier, including:

  • Advice on supporting at-home learning;
  • Mindfulness techniques;
  • Ideas on how to enjoy your backyard;
  • Tips on how to discover and take-up a new hobby;
  • Ideas for using technology and staying connected;
  • Exercises to do at home; and
  • Ideas for cultural discovery.

Mayor of Camden, Cr Therese Fedeli, said the guidance and information provided through Camden Libraries was great for residents of all ages to feel connected and develop new skills. 

“It makes me proud to know our community are constantly working on creative ways to develop connections,” Cr Fedeli said.

“It’s a fantastic way to add new meaning to our lives, particularly while we feel we’re in a holding pattern with this lockdown. I would strongly encourage all seniors and other adults to find out more about the online programs and initiatives on offer.

“With the way technology is advancing, I believe everyone would enjoy learning something new!”

To access the Tech Savvy Seniors program, go to bit.ly/YoutubeSeniors

For more information on current online programs for adults at Camden Libraries, go to library.camden.nsw.gov.au/adult

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