More opportunity to become a Bushcare volunteer

Posted 14 months ago


Green thumbs can rejoice with Camden Council forming a new volunteer Bushcare Group.

The Bushcare Group, which will operate at Camden Town Farm, will launch with a special event on site from 9am-12pm on Sunday 9 July.

The launch event will allow attendees to learn more about the important role that they can play as Bushcare volunteers in restoring Camden’s bushland areas. They’ll also enjoy a walk and talk by a biodiversity expert, who will share their knowledge of the incredible and diverse flora and fauna in and around the site.

Mayor of Camden, Cr Ashleigh Cagney, encouraged people who were interested to sign up.

“Our Bushcare volunteers do such incredible work for our local environment,” she said.

“It’s a great way to be active, be social and get some sun, all while doing rewarding work.”

Residents can find out more and register their attendance by visiting

The Camden Town Farm Bushcare Group is Council’s seventh Bushcare Group. The others operate in:

  • Harrington Forest;
  • Kings Bush Reserve;
  • Parrott Farm Reserve;
  • Ron Dine Reserve;
  • Sickles Creek Reserve; and
  • Spring Farm Bush Corridor.

To find out more about Bushcare and to join an existing group, visit

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