Share your vision for the Camden area and help inform Council’s plans
Posted 4 years ago
Would you like to be involved in putting together Council’s priorities for encouraging economic growth and vitality throughout the Camden area?
To support Camden’s economic prosperity and growth, Council is finalising the Centres and Employment Lands Strategy and developing a revitalised Economic Development Strategy for the area.
These key strategic documents will outline the vision for the development of Camden’s centres over the next 10 to 20 years, as well as identify key priorities and actions for economic development, business support and investment attraction.
Council is encouraging the community to contribute to this process via:
- An online business survey, for business owners and operators across the Camden area; and an online community, or ‘place’ survey, for anyone who interacts with Camden. These surveys will inform the creation of the Economic Development Strategy and will close on Monday 14 June;
- In-person business workshops, which will address both strategies. There will be two sessions for business owners and operators to choose from – either Monday 7 June, 6-8pm, or Tuesday 8 June, 10am-noon, both at the Camden Civic Centre;
- Drop-in Session, Wednesday 9 June, 10am-4pm at Camden Library; and
- Webinar, Thursday 10 June, noon-1pm.
Mayor of Camden, Cr Theresa Fedeli, said the strategies would play different roles in stimulating economic growth for Camden, and therefore, it was important to hear from Camden’s community regarding their development.
“The Economic Development Strategy will primarily focus on supporting local businesses, investment attraction, stimulating economic activity and encouraging vibrant places,” Cr Fedeli said.
“While the Centres and Employment Lands Strategy aims to provide a future vision and strategic direction from a land-use planning perspective to ensure the successful development of centres and sustainable growth of employment land within the Camden area.
“It’s so important we encourage vibrant and connected centres and promote a diversified and growing local economy, as well as continue to create a place and an environment that our community is proud of.
“There’s no such thing as a bad idea when we’re brainstorming and collaborating, so I’d encourage everyone who feels a connection to Camden to take part in the consultation process.”
For more information, and to access the surveys, visit