Who are you? And who am I?

Posted 2 years ago in Community

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Council is asking an infamous existential question with its newest Kerbside Exhibition – Who Am I?

The 'Who I am' curated street exhibition will display artworks on guard rails, planter boxes, bus shelters, and bins along Argyle, Mitchell, Murray and Oxley Streets from this Friday (3 March) up until April.

The colourful exhibition will feature artworks created by the local community that explore themes of identity and individuality expressed by unique factors that are important to and shape one's perception of self. They will include factors like age, gender, culture, relationships, beliefs, values, experiences, traits, passions, appearance, even social roles.

Mayor of Camden, Cr Therese Fedeli, said the exhibition was yet another chance to celebrate the talent we had in the Camden community.

“The exhibition follows the theme of the incredibly popular Faces of Camden exhibition, which was on display in the same spots in 2022,” Cr Fedeli said.

“That magnificent display brought together our community’s take on expressive self-portraits and portraits of one's own unique artistic interpretation. It’s amazing to see the story of our diverse people captured so beautifully and so artistically.

“Walking around the Camden Town Centre when this exhibition was in full swing was just incredible. The streets were filled with colour and excitement, and it was so amazing to watch people marvel at all the pieces as they went about their business.

“I am so looking forward to seeing this exhibition on display and seeing how our talented locals can impress us again. To all the residents whose artwork has been included in this display – congratulations, what an achievement!”

For more information about the exhibition, visit https://www.camden.nsw.gov.au/community/support/cultural-development-and-arts/camden-kerbside-exhibition/ or email creative@camden.nsw.gov.au

If you’d like to relive the Faces of Camden exhibition in preparation for Who I Am, you can see the exhibition catalogue at https://www.camden.nsw.gov.au/community/support/cultural-development-and-arts/camden-kerbside-exhibition/faces-of-camden/

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