Will you apply for Council’s community grants?

Posted 2 years ago

The next round of Council’s Community Grants opens on Wednesday (15 February).

A number of grants will be open, including:

  • Council’s Community Small Grants, which provides funding of up to $2,500 per project to support work the done by local community organisations based in or providing events or services for the Camden area. Grants will be available in the categories of minor works, health and wellbeing and culture and inclusiveness;
  • The Sport and Recreation Grant, which seeks to support Camden's sporting clubs and associations through projects that promote coaching development, help increase in participation, create pathway development for athletes and coaching, sports administration programs and courses for officials and volunteers;
  • Council’s Community Sponsorship Program, which is intended to provide encouragement and support to community-based groups, organisations and individuals by supplementing funds their own activities through either in-kind or monetary funding;
  • The Cultural Activation Seed Grant, with $3,000 available to successful eligible applicants including individual artists, art and cultural groups or arts organisations proposing work or programs that will increase access and community participation in arts, culture and creativity within Camden; and
  • Council’s Cultural Performance Subsidy, which will support Camden’s thriving cultural community to provide musical or performing arts entertainment within the Camden Civic Centre.

Residents and local organisations that are interested in applying are encouraged to attend one of four information sessions. They will be held on Zoom on:

  • Monday 20 February, 10-11am;
  • Tuesday 21 February, 6-7pm;
  • Monday 27 February, 10-11am; and
  • Tuesday 28 February, 6-7pm.

Mayor of Camden, Cr Therese Fedeli, said Council was committed to providing financial assistance to not-for-profit community groups, organisations and businesses.

“There are so many people and organisations in our community which operate so selflessly to help improve the lives of the people who live here,” Cr Fedeli said.

“We understand this takes time, dedication and lots of hard work and we’re incredible grateful to these people who continue to invest in our communities.

“That’s why we run programs like Community Grants – we want to make sure these people and organisations can continue doing this phenomenal work.”

For application forms, registration for information sessions and information regarding each grant, visit https://www.camden.nsw.gov.au/community/grants/

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