Book a Building or Driveway Inspection

Dear Customer,

So that we can keep our workers and customers healthy and safe during the COVID-19 pandemic, we have introduced some additional safety measures.

All inspection booking requests are subject to confirmation by one of our staff members. We will be in contact prior to the inspection to ensure that all Covid safety measures are in place as required by NSW Government Health Orders & advice.



If booking a Driveway inspection please ensure that Council has a copy of your concreter's Public Liability Insurance.


Please note: All inspections must be booked by 4pm to be included on the listing for the next working day.  Inspections are only conducted Monday to Friday (excluding Public Holidays).

Time Request
Additional Information
So that we can keep our workers healthy and safe during the COVID-19 pandemic I need to ask a couple of questions about your household/business or site before we visit.  Any information you provide to Council will only be used to determine if we can attend your home/business or site. Your information will not be shared or used for any other purpose.
Has anyone at your household/premises/site been diagnosed with COVID-19?
Does anyone at your household/premises/site feel unwell and have symptoms related to COVID-19? This includes fever, coughing, sore throat or sneezing?
Is anyone at your household/premises/site self-isolating, for example, because they have travelled recently or are awaiting the results of a COVID-19 test?
Have you implemented all the required safety controls required by NSW Government, including placing a QR Code at the site if required (refer to the Construction sites in Greater Sydney | COVID-19 Safety Plan hyperlink below)?
You confirm that anyone at the site at the time of the inspection will be wearing a mask and observe social distancing, and any indoor space will not be occupied at the time of an inspection (ie trades, occupants etc). NB: Normally occupied premises may