Camden Kerbside Exhibition - Camden Heritage

The Kerbside Exhibitions are a program of curated street exhibitions that bring together local artists to provide a colourful streetscape for visitors and locals to admire the talent of the community. Digital prints of artworks are displayed on guard rails, planter boxes, and bins along Argyle, Mitchell and Murray Street in Camden, and on bus shelters throughout the LGA.

For the spring 2024 edition of the Kerbside Exhibition, local artists are invited to submit artworks which explore Camden’s Heritage. Heritage is histories, traditions, practices, objects, places, and things which are felt to have historical importance. Camden’s Heritage includes all tangible heritage, such as the features of Camden’s natural and built environment, and its historical artefacts. It also includes its intangible heritage, which are the skills and traditions passed down from one generation to the next. This Exhibition will coincide with Unlock Camden: An event which celebrates Camden’s historic past as well as unlock stories and images and promote the historic locations and buildings in the Camden area as part of NSW History Week.

Every work that will be displayed will have the original artwork for sale online. The exhibition is free for artists to enter, artists will manage the sale of their original work, and no commission will be charged, meaning 100% profits go directly to the local artists who created the work. The exhibition will be curated with selected works displayed publicly. A catalogue of the artworks on sale will be made available to the public, which can be used to navigate the exhibition and find more information about purchasing the works on display.


Conditions of Entry:

  • All works must address or explore the theme in some way. Please briefly explain how the works connects to the theme in the artist's statements.
  • Original works submitted by artists must be available for sale.
  • Works must not have already been exhibited in previous Kerbside Exhibitions.
  • Purchase enquiries will be processed by Council staff who will connect the artist with the purchaser. Artists must be comfortable managing their own sales from this point forward.
  • If already established, artists can include a link to their own eCommerce platform.
  • Up to 3 artworks may be entered.
  • Artworks may be of any safe, dry medium, including but not limited to oil, acrylic, gouache, and watercolour paint, on surfaces such as canvas and paper, photography (which must be available to purchase as a print) along with textile and sculptural works.
  • Ensure the images of these works are sent at a scale of Square (1:1), Portrait (3:2), or Landscape (Metric standard). The boards which display the images of the works are printed in these dimensions.
  • Artworks must be submitted as high-resolution images suitable for large scale reproduction. They will need at least a 130 DPI, and ideally 300 DPI. This will require a digital camera, not a phone camera. Do not try and use an online converter to increase the quality of a lower quality image, because it does not increase the image quality, it only increases the pixels picked up by the computer. Only high-quality images will be displayed in the exhibition.
  • If you are unable to take a high DPI image, please submit whatever image you are able to take of the work. Then, bring your work to be properly photographed at the Alan Baker Art Gallery located on John Street, between 11am and 4pm on Thursday 25, Friday 26, Saturday 27 or Sunday 28 July. The photographer will then add the new images to your application before the application close date.
  • Artists must live, study or work within the Macarthur region (Camden, Campbelltown or Wollondilly LGAs). All ages are invited to submit their artworks.
  • Artists under 12yrs must have permission from a parent or guardian.
  • Artists must submit images of their work whose JPEG file is titled as follows: “Artist Name-Artwork Title.” eg. “Rosa Bonheur-The Horse Fair.”
  • In the entry form artists must provide an artwork title, date, a description of the work, a brief artist biography or artists statement, and a price.
  • Artists must allow their works to be reproduced by print and electronic media for the exhibition itself, for the promotion of the exhibition, for archival uses and for the exhibition catalogue.
  • Pieces must be the original work of the entrant produced after January 2020.
  • Artists warrant that they are the copyright owner of all submitted artworks and that their artworks do not infringe the moral rights of third parties.
  • Please only include your name on the front of the work by hand if it is your artist’s signature. Artist's names will be digitally added by council staff for clarity.
  • Artworks must not depict nudity or violence. Artworks considered by the curatorial team to be offensive will be ineligible. If this is the case, you will be notified prior to exhibition. Council is committed to maintaining and supporting events that are not discriminatory or offensive in any way and include participation from our diverse community.
  • The exhibition may contain images of people who have passed away. It is a requirement that written consent of the family or community is provided.

Applications for this exhibition will close on July 29.

If you would like to receive information about similar opportunities for artists and creatives, please register yourself on the Creative at Camden Directory.  If you have any questions about the newest Camden Kerbside Exhibition, please email



Image: Previous Camden Kerbside Exhibition 2023 - Who I Am


Camden Kerbside Exhibition - Expression of Interest

Artworks must be photographed without the frame and in good lighting. Where possible, use a quality camera.

Files must be titled First Name Last Name - Artwork Title - Artwork Number, e.g. John Smith- Self Portrait – 1.

Each image must be a high-quality, 300dpi resolution, JPEG image of up to 5MB. Higher quality images will assist to retain the quality of your image when reproduced.

I grant permission of this 5 - 12 years youth artwork entry (if applicable).