Camden Kerbside Exhibition - Camden Heritage

The Spring 2024 Camden Kerbside Exhibition "Camden Heritage" is currently on display with prints of artworks and images displayed on guard rails and bins along Argyle and Murray Street in Camden, and on bus shelters throughout the LGA.

Local artists were invited to submit artworks which explore Camden’s Heritage. Heritage is histories, traditions, practices, objects, places, and things which are felt to have historical importance. Camden’s Heritage includes all tangible heritage, such as the features of Camden’s natural and built environment, and its historical artefacts. It also includes its intangible heritage, which are the skills and traditions passed down from one generation to the next. Most of the works displayed also have the original artwork for sale. To find out how to purchase a work, view the catalogue here

Images supplied by Camden Public School from moments in their history will also be on display as part of the exhibition along the school's fences.

If you would like to receive information about similar opportunities for artists and creatives, please register yourself on the Creative at Camden Directory.  If you have any questions about the newest Camden Kerbside Exhibition, please email


Artworks must be photographed without the frame and in good lighting. Where possible, use a quality camera.

Files must be titled First Name Last Name - Artwork Title - Artwork Number, e.g. John Smith- Self Portrait – 1.

Each image must be a high-quality, 300dpi resolution, JPEG image of up to 5MB. Higher quality images will assist to retain the quality of your image when reproduced.

I grant permission of this 5 - 12 years youth artwork entry (if applicable).