Urban Forest Forms and Applications
Private Tree Permit (Via NSW Planning Portal)
To apply for a permit to prune/remove trees on private property, you must lodge an application through the NSW Planning Portal.
Private Tree Permit Exemption
Where a tree presents an imminent unacceptable risk to human life/property, or is dead/dying, you may apply for an exemption. If Council is not satisfied with the information provided, or the tree is habitat for native fauna, you will be required to apply for a permit.
Tree Offset Application
Where tree planting in the public domain is required to offset removals due to development, or as a condition of a Private Tree Permit, you can apply to Council to plant these trees for a fee.
Love Your Tree Program
You can apply to adopt your street tree and receive a care package to help your tree thrive. Use #loveyourtreecamden to share the love on social media.
If you would like to request a street tree, please Report It or send an email to mail@camden.nsw.gov.au