Category: Environment
05 Dec
Renewable energy for Council from 2023
Council has taken another large step in cutting emissions and supporting renewable energy after signing a new Power Purchasing Agreement towards using 100 per cent renewable energy from January 2023.

19 Oct
Learn more about our iconic Nepean River
Residents can learn about the Nepean River and how to help keep local waterways in a healthy condition after Council recently released the ‘Nepean River, Our River’ video series.
20 Sep
Be best prepared for an emergency
Mayor of Camden, Cr Therese Fedeli, is reminding residents it is easy to protect themselves and their loves ones by downloading the Get Prepared app.

03 Aug
One thousand trees planted on National Tree Day
Camden’s tree canopy is set to increase in years to come after residents helped plant 1,000 trees as part of National Tree Day last weekend.

26 Jul
Threatened Species competition now open
Local children can show their love for local threatened plants and animals by entering the 15th annual Threatened Species Art and Writing Competition.
25 Jul
Plant trees with Council on National Tree Day
Residents have the chance to help enhance the environment by taking part in National Tree Day celebrations with Council this Sunday.
23 Jun
Charging on in Camden
Residents and visitors will be charging on down to use the new electric vehicle charging stations at Camden’s Oxley Street carpark, Oran Park Library and Narellan Library carparks, that are...
09 Mar
Camden’s Centres and Employment Land Strategy adopted
The 20-year future for the development of retail centres and employment land in Camden was set at last night’s Ordinary Meeting, with Council adopting the Camden Centres and Employment Land Strategy.

15 Sep
New partnership delivers 15,000 trees to Camden
Council has endorsed the planting of 15,000 trees at John Oxley Reserve in Kirkham to be delivered through a partnership with Greening Australia.