Heavy Haulage Contributions Plan

The Heavy Haulage Contributions Plan was adopted by Council on 20 October 2023 and replaces Contributions Plan No.7 - Road Maintenance Extractive Industry (see Repealed Development Contributions Plans).

Under this Plan, contributions will be applied where Council deems a development will have ongoing heavy vehicle activity on a Council road.

Frequently Asked Questions

Where does the Heavy Haulage Plan apply?

This plan applies to the Camden Local Government Area (LGA).

Why does the Heavy Haulage Plan apply?

Heavy vehicles deteriorate roads faster than standard vehicles. When the movement of heavy vehicles is directly attributable to a development, it is reasonable that the development contributes to the maintenance resulting from the increased level of deterioration. This contribution plan funds the additional routine maintenance, repairs and rehabilitation that would be required to keep the road serviceable and safe as a result of the additional heavy vehicle movements. The extent of additional expenditure is directly related to heavy vehicles, and their movements, on the roads.

Does the Heavy Haulage Plan apply to general subdivision?

Heavy Haulage Contributions do not apply to bulk earthworks for subdivision and development as these do not create ongoing heavy vehicle impacts.