Secondary Dwellings

Development Contributions for Secondary Dwelling

Known as "Granny Flats", NSW planning legislation identifies this development type as a "Secondary Dwelling".

If you would like more information about submitting a Development Application for a Secondary Dwelling, please visit Council's DA Advice page here: Advice » Camden Council

The provisions of the State Environmental Planning Policy (Affordable Rental Housing) 2009 (AHSEPP) nominate that a legal dwelling should already exist on the property.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can Council provide a cost estimate for a secondary dwelling?

Yes, Council can assist you with provide a quote for a secondary dwelling. Applicants will need to submit a Section 7.11 & 7.12 Contribution’s Enquiry which can be done by following this link:

How do I make payment of developer contributions?

To arrange payment, contact Camden Council customer service on 13 CAMDEN (1322 6336) or via to obtain all the required information and available payment options.