Annual Subsidy

 Camden Council provides annual subsidies to a number of community organisations in the Camden Local Government Area.


Policy Statement

Camden Council recognises and values the strengths of the Camden community, including the strong sense of belonging demonstrated through participation in a range of community and cultural activities. Council aims to draw on these strengths and provide support to assist them to continue to grow. Council acknowledges the important role of community organisations in developing projects, coordinating and managing funded activities which further develop these strengths in the community.



To be eligible for funding, an organisation must:

  • Be not-for-profit;
  • Be an incorporated body or be auspiced (sponsored) by an incorporated body;
  • Offer a project in the Camden LGA or primarily for the Camden community (minimum of 75% participants from the LGA); and
  • Have no outstanding debts to Council



Camden Council provides funding with direct community benefit to not-for-profit organisations and groups for events, programs and Ad Hoc costs that fall outside of other grant categories. Groups may apply through an Expression of Interest and all recipients will be reviewed each Council term. 

Assessment of Applications

While the following will form the basis for assessment, group and activities will not necessarily have to meet all criteria to be successful:

  • Demonstrate a considerable benefit to the community;
  • Demonstrate coordination with other groups in the community;
  • Show evidence of community support;
  • Address local issues by attempting to meet a community need or short coming; and
  • Demonstrate the organisation's ability to manage and deliver community or cultural services and not become solely dependent on ongoing financial assistance from Council.

Successful applicants shall undertake an acquittal process each year and provide Council with:

  • Information on how the subsidy was spent;
  • Membership/participation rates information; and
  • Copies of any promotional material

For more information on this program contact Camden Council's Community Project Officer, Grants and Sponsorship on 4645 5106.