Camden ClubGRANTS
The Camden ClubGRANTS Round is Currently CLOSED
ClubGRANTS is a state-wide initiative that recognises the significant financial support for projects and services local Clubs make by contributing to the wellbeing of their communities.
Sector Connect facilitates the administration of the Camden ClubGRANT committee. Camden Council and The Dept. of Communities and Justice also oversee and contribute to the committee.
ClubGRANTS provides the opportunity for local community organisations, not-for-profit orgs, charities and the like to apply for funding under the scheme.
ClubGRANTS considers local projects providing services, support or interest group activities to residents specific to the local LGA. Camden projects must service the Camden region and residents.
Camden Committee works collaboratively with our local community to support current and emerging local priorities. These priorities include:
- Community Wellbeing
- Disability
- Diverse Communities
- Domestic Violence
- Drugs & Alcohol
- Families and Children
- Homelessness
- Low Income and Disadvantaged
- Mental Health
- Seniors
- Young People (12- 24)
How to Apply
Go to ClubGRANTS to find out more information and how to apply for projects in the Camden Local Government Area. The current round closes 31 May 2024.
For more information please contact Sector Connect.