Nature Strip Maintenance
Nature strips contribute significantly to the streetscape of Camden. They can provide biodiversity value, act to soften built structures in urbanised areas and assist with providing shade and green spaces.
A nature strip is any Council owned/controlled land/structure located between a constructed road and a parcel of private property but does not include land reserved for a public purpose or bushland. This includes but is not limited to:
- Garden areas;
- Grassed areas;
- Driveways;
- Street verges;
- Steps and paths that service private property (gate leads);
- Retaining walls; and
- Private stormwater and service connections.
Because it’s not feasible for Council to maintain all nature strips adjacent to properties, we ask that you please maintain yours to a standard that will help contribute to the beautification of the Camden area.
All property owners are encouraged to mow nature strips regularly, maintaining them neat and tidy. It is recognised that some property owners may appoint a contractor to undertake this work for them.
Synthetic Turf
Council does not permit the use of artificial or synthetic turf within nature strips (public land) adjacent to the road verge. Synthetic turf can have detrimental impacts with regards to maintenance, access to utilities, natural drainage and offers no ecological or long term amenity benefits.
It is an offence to install artificial turf on public land without the prior approval of Council. Council may pursue regulatory action in these instances, including requiring removal of any such installation.