Latest news

Build your own robot at LEGO Robotic sessions

Local young people have the chance to build their own robot and program it to complete tasks at Narellan Library’s LEGO Robotics Mindstorm sessions.
Tree planting

Community tree planting to celebrate Camden White Gum

The environment along the Nepean River is set for a boost with Council hosting a special community tree planting event this weekend.
Cafe connect

More ways for seniors to stay connected

More than 20 community-led programs have been funded by the NSW Government to empower seniors to be active and connected in their local communities.

Beatlemania to take over Camden

Beatlemania is set to take hold of Camden when The Beatles – 50 Years On tribute show graces the stage at Camden Civic Centre in December.
Sustainable living workshops

Sustainability workshops on offer for Camden

Learning how to be more sustainable in your own home will be even easier next month with the latest Sustainable Living Workshops.
Garage Sale Trail

Join the circular economy at Garage Sale Trail 2022

It’s time for a spring clean and there is no better way than joining the Garage Sale Trail and extending the life of your pre-loved items.
Apprentice and Traineeship

Apprentice and Traineeship evening kicking-off Small Business Month

Strengthening your network business connections is on the agenda next month with Council hosting its second Small Business Month program of the year.
Julie Goodwin

Masterchef royalty to headline TASTE Camden

Masterchef royalty is on its way to Camden with one of Australia’s favourite chefs Julie Goodwin confirmed as TASTE Camden’s celebrity chef.
Nepean River Our River

Learn more about our iconic Nepean River

Residents can learn about the Nepean River and how to help keep local waterways in a healthy condition after Council recently released the ‘Nepean River, Our River’ video series.