Latest news

High School Musical

High School Musical 2 Jr comes to Camden

Disney’s smash hit movie musical comes to life in our backyard this month as Camden Musical Society’s High School Musical 2 Jr hits the stage at Camden Civic Centre.
History week Social Tiles

Celebrate Camden’s history

Camden’s wealth of history will be on display for the community to enjoy as we celebrate History Week 2022 starting this Friday.

Watch out, magpies about!

Mayor of Camden, Cr Therese Fedeli, is calling on residents to be vigilant and aware of magpies during swooping season.

Community Small Grants this week

Local community groups are set to benefit with Council’s Community Small Grants applications opening this week.

It’s the Larkin Place to be

Work is set to commence at Larkin Place in Camden next week, preparing to transform the space into #theLarkinPlacetobe.

Dawson-Damer Park picks up prestigious award

Dawson-Damer Park has once again been recognised after recently winning the prestigious UDIA NSW Excellence in Social and Community Infrastructure Open Space award.

Learn about elder abuse at free session

Council is taking a stance against elder abuse and raising awareness on the silent social issue by hosting a free awareness session for the community this month.
Mountain Bike

Off road bike skills track to be developed

Get ready to jump on your bike, with Council developing an off-road Bike Skills Track for local young people in Spring Farm.
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HSC help for students on offer

Local students studying for their Higher School Certificate can stress a little less with Camden Libraries offering a range of support videos.