Latest news

Soccer sport

Camden returns to sport

Camden Council has approved the return to sport for residents immediately, with a number of conditions in place.

Elderly connect with local children via MATEY project

Camden Council’s Matching Aged To Engaging Youngsters (MATEY) project is putting a smile on the faces of the young and young at heart, after launching last week.

Check your chimney with winter coming

Winter is upon us, so now is the perfect time to check your chimney and fireplace before you light it in the colder months.
Library 3

Libraries and Alan Baker Art Gallery re-opening

Camden Council will re-open Camden, Narellan and Oran Park Libraries as well as Alan Baker Art Gallery, with a number of conditions in place from next week.
Online Biodiversity Programs Square2

Educate your kids with biodiversity activities

Parents looking for ways to entertain their kids won’t have to look any further than Camden Council’s online biodiversity education programs, available to residents online next week.
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Olympic-sized pool set for Oran Park Leisure Centre

Camden residents have just won gold, with Oran Park Leisure Centre to be home to the area’s first Olympic-sized indoor swimming pool.

Funding boost for community programs

Council will provide more than $30,000 in sponsorship funding for community programs and events to be held in the Camden area.
Harrington Forest

Harrington Forest to be restored

Harrington Forest’s Cumberland Plain Woodland is set to be restored after Council successfully secured funding of $20,000 from the Australian Government’s Communities Environment Program 2019/2020.
national simultaneous storytime

Join Camden Libraries for National Simultaneous Storytime

Even though libraries remain closed this week, local children will not miss out on National Simultaneous Storytime.