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admin building

Camden Council facilities closure

Camden Council has announced the temporary closure of a number of Council facilities, as a precautionary measure to minimise the risk of COVID-19 spreading.
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Actions taken to combat COVID-19

Camden Council is taking a number of actions to minimise the risk of COVID-19 spreading.

Reduced fees to desex your cat

Camden Council is calling all cat owners to take advantage of its subsidised Cat Desexing Program.
camden shorts

Young people take centre stage at Camden Shorts

Local young people have the chance to take centre stage and show off their talent at Camden Council’s annual Camden Shorts event.
birds of a feather

International art visits Camden Civic Centre

Award-winning international art has arrived in Camden, with the Birds of a Feather exhibition now open at Camden Civic Centre.
library reading

Reading challenge a success at Camden libraries

Local children have clocked up more than 34,000 minutes of reading during the school holidays, thanks to Camden Council’s Summer Reading Challenge.
camden cultures

Diversity on display with Camden Cultures

Cultural food, song and dance will be on display in the heart of Oran Park with the annual Camden Cultures this March.
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Youth Week extravaganza announced

Local young people have the chance to showcase their talents, meet new people and enjoy the best of the area, with Camden Council’s annual Youth Week program announced recently.
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Kids TRYathlon an overwhelming success

Camden’s second Sanitarium Weet-Bix Kids TRYathlon was hailed a success, with almost 1,000 participants swimming, cycling and running through the Camden area.