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Sweet Treats by Rhi 3

How are you supporting your local?

Council is encouraging residents to discover and support their local, with its online business directory bigger than ever.
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We're stronger together

We’re stronger together, Camden!
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Off-leash dog parks bringing joy to our furry friends

If you and your furry friend are wondering where you should exercise, why not try one of Camden Council’s off-leash dog parks?

Time to get creative for Biodiversity Month

The annual Threatened Species Art and Writing Competition is back to celebrate Biodiversity Month in September, for the 14th consecutive year.
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Green thumbs ready for National Tree Day at home

Get those green thumbs ready for some work in your garden as we celebrate National Tree Day from home this year.
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Enjoy an at-home Winter Wonderland with Council’s online program

COVID-19 may have put Council’s Winterfest Camden plans on ice, but nothing can keep a good festival down!
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Online HSC videos to assist students

Are you a local student about to sit your HSC and feeling a little overwhelmed? Fear not – Camden Libraries is here to support you!
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Camden Libraries helps make learning from home exciting

Have you ever wanted to integrate learning about space, coding or mindfulness into your child’s learning?
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Time to become Mayor for a Day

Local children have the chance to lead Camden Council with the annual Mayor for a Day Public Speaking competition coming soon.