Latest news

john oxley trail

Access to scenic landscape views to be improved

Planned improvements to the walking trails in John Oxley Reserve, Kirkham will aim to provide greater access to the picturesque views of the Camden valley and the Great Dividing Range.

Owners of heritage buildings to be supported by new Camden Material and Colour Guide

Camden Council has created a handy guide for owners of local heritage buildings with practical tips on working with the specific materials and colour schemes traditionally used.
poetry slam

Slam poets set to put on a show

Local aspiring poets will have the chance to harness their skills and then show what they’ve got as part of the 2023 Australian Poetry Slam.
kids fun day

Camden Festival returns

One of Camden’s favourite times of the year, Camden Festival, is back in 2023.
2022 grand champion

Unbeleafable garden? Enter here!

Local green thumbs are busy putting the finishing touches on their masterpieces, with entries for the Camden Garden Competition opening today.

It’s as simple as spelling Camden

Calling Camden Council is now simpler and easier than ever, with Council’s new phone number – 13 CAMDEN (13 226 336).

Elizabeth Macarthur Reserve gets a nature makeover

A total of 3,000 native plants have been planted as part of National Tree Day celebrations at Elizabeth Macarthur Reserve in Camden South, thanks to a combined effort by the...
Library 3

Get a leg up before HSC exams

With final exams right around the corner for high school students, Oran Park Library is hosting a number of FREE tutoring sessions over the next two months.
sydney water png

Nepean River improvement and protection project underway

Work has begun today on a project which will improve the water quality in the Nepean River and help protect the river for years to come.