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Netball SWSAS team

Local athletes join South West Sydney Academy of Sport

Local young athletes took centre stage and were acknowledged after being welcomed into the South West Sydney Academy of Sport (SWSAS) at a special civic ceremony last night.
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Council receives Communication Access Accreditation

Camden Council has officially received the Communication Access Symbol, becoming the first Council in NSW to be recognised as communication accessible by Scope Australia.

Battery recycling stations across Camden

Did you know your household batteries can be recycled?
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Youth Week bonanza announced for Camden

Local young people are invited to express themselves and have fun as part of NSW Youth Week in Camden this month.
Seniors Festival

Exciting Seniors Festival program announced

Local seniors across Camden are invited to enjoy new experiences, continue learning new skills and have fun during NSW Seniors Festival this month.
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Camden stories to be published

Residents have the chance to get their stories published by taking part in the Living Stories writing competition.
Bee Gees

Brothers Gibb grace the stage in Camden

Get ready to take a trip down memory lane at a truly magical concert experience with The Bee Gees - One Night Only show visiting Camden in May this year.
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Honourable HSC students awarded

More than 500 local students have been recognised for their outstanding 2020 High School Certificate (HSC) results recently.
Neighbour Card

Time to check in on your neighbour

It is now time to connect and support each other more than ever as we celebrate Neighbour Day on Sunday 28 March.